Sunday, January 04, 2009

Peckinpah at the BFI

Between working commitments, my father’s birthday on the 9th of the month and the basic fact that I can’t afford it (one word: mortgage), I’m reluctantly* going have to give the BFI’s Sam Peckinpah retrospective a miss.

For those of you who can make it, click here for schedule and booking information, click here for Time Out’s very welcome corrective ‘The Softer Side of Sam Peckinpah’ and – if I may be permitted a blatant bit of self-promotion – click here to buy my book on Peckinpah from Amazon.

*That’s reluctantly as in ‘teeth-grindingly, fist-clenchingly, scowl-inducingly’.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. If you ever fancy taking a break from advertising your services and maybe contributing a piece on the films of Wong Kar Wai or Zhang Yimou, please let me know.
