Sunday, March 01, 2009

Heads down, see you at the end

Springtime, and a young man’s thoughts turn to … headbanging. Off to see Metallica at London’s O2 Arena tomorrow, so I’m taking a few days’ break from The Agitation of the Mind.

‘Che – Part Two’ and ‘Gonzo: the Life and Work of Dr Hunter S Thompson’ are on the slate when I return, the latter giving me a hankering to watch ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ again.

I’ve got a seven-film Luis Buñuel season planned for the latter part of the month. And who knows, if I survive the gig without incurring partial deafness, I might even reapproach the ’Tallica documentary ‘Some Kind of Monster’.

Right now, though, I’m ready to rock.

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