Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Incoherence is the sincerest form of flattery

I posted a review of ‘The Damned United’ twelve days ago. Today, trawling the internet while I should have … I dunno … been working or something, I came across this.

It’s basically my ‘Damned United’ review, but as it would look if someone translated it into Serbian, translated that into Russian and had someone translate the Russian version into English only to demonstrate a notable lack of facility in either language.

I’m not sure who the blogger is, or even why they’ve done this, but it makes for hilarious reading. Two examples:

My original review:
So it was out of curiosity as to how well Michael Sheen’s performance captured Cloughie’s trademark admixture of charm and belligerence that me and my friend Aidy headed to the Broadway Cinema last Saturday night for a screening of ‘The Damned United’. Our better halves evinced no interest in the film and occupied themselves otherwise while we attended the screening, then enthusiastically discussed the film in the pub afterwards.

The plagiarist’s version:
So it was antiquated of bric-a-brac as to how cordially Michael Sheen’s portrayal captured Cloughie’s trademark admixture of assuage and belligerence that me and my bosom buddy Aidy headed to the Broadway Cinema up to date Saturday blackness as a servicing to a screening of ‘The Damned United’. Our cured halves evinced no fire in the mizzle cloud up and occupied themselves in another setting while we attended the screening, then enthusiastically discussed the mizzle cloud up in the saloon afterwards.

My original review:
The verbal stand offs between Clough and Longson, particularly when Longson suggests that Clough give Leeds an easy victory so they can play a stronger side against Juventus in a forthcoming European match, are tour de forces.

The plagiarist’s version:
The oral last offs between Clough and Longson, outstandingly when Longson suggests that Clough pass Leeds an unpretentious supremacy so they can subtract up a stronger side against Juventus in a anticipated European contest, are drive de forces.

“Antiquated of bric-a-brac”. “Our cured halves evinced no fire in the mizzle cloud up”. “Drive de forces”. Marvellous!

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