Thursday, April 09, 2009

Top ten truckers

UPDATE: thanks to Alper for reminding me of Stallone's pugnacious trucker in the splendidly over-the-top, uh, ‘Over the Top’:

In honour of the two day ‘Wages of Fear’ love-in, ten coffee-drinkin’ smokey-dodgin’ double-clutchin’ truckin’ types:

Stacy Keach as Pat Quid in ‘Roadgames’

Carey Loftin as “the truck driver” in ‘Duel’

Yves Montand as Mario in ‘The Wages of Fear’

Richard Conte as Nick Garcos in ‘Thieves’ Highway’

George Raft and Humphrey Bogart as the Fabrini brothers in ‘They Drive by Night’

Hugh Jackman as Jack Willis in ‘Paperback Hero’

Stanley Baker as Tom Yately in ‘Hell Drivers’

Kris Kristofferson as Rubber Duck in ‘Convoy’

J.T. Walsh as “Red” Barr in ‘Breakdown’

Patrick Swayze as Jack Crews in ‘Black Dog’


  1. why not stallone? to the top!

    ok everything was crappy in that movie but sylvester was just awesome

  2. ok the movies name was over the top not to the top

  3. Good call, Alper. Article amended to give Sly an honorable mention.
