Friday, May 15, 2009

Exorcist resources

Four books provide essential reading: the novel that started it all, William Peter Blatty’s ‘The Exorcist’ and its sequel ‘Legion’. Mark Kermode’s critical study is one of the most readable titles in the BFI Classics series, free of the academic tone that typifies many of the BFI’s publications and packed with background information and intelligent analysis. Bob McCabe’s ‘The Exorcist: Out of the Shadows’ provides a wealth of behind-the-scenes material.

‘The Exorcist’ fansite is your one-stop internet resource on the film. The word “fansite” normally sets alarm bells ringing with me, but this really is one of the best examples you’ll find.

Wikipedia articles on all five of the films provide easily digestible distillations of information available elsewhere and were indispensable in refreshing my memory while writing these pieces.

Finally, for some light relief after a week spent wrestling with the forces of darkness – be they Pazuzu or studio executives – click here to see the Starz Bunnies re-enact ‘The Exorcist’ in 30 seconds.

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