Sunday, July 05, 2009

James Cagney double bill

Sorting through some boxes in the garage yesterday in search of my old VHS copy of 'Thief', it came as a revelation that I still own so many films on video that I've not yet replaced on DVD. Having already put aside a good two dozen crime movies from the DVD cabinet for possible inclusion in this month's Shots on the Blog project, I came away with half that number again on tape.

Two of the titles I came across were Jimmy Cagney classics: 'Angels with Dirty Faces' and 'White Heat', the latter on the personal faves list.

It's Sunday, I'm a week off getting paid so funds are low and the pub and the cinema not an option, so I'm having me a double bill today. I'll be watching 'Angels' this morning and blogging about it after lunch, then 'White Heat' this afternoon and posting an article in the evening. It's either that or mow the lawn, and I'd rather make it to the top of the world than the bottom of the garden.

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