Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marion Cotillard

The almost impossibly gorgeous - and ferociously talented - Marion Cotillard is 34 today.
Which is the only reason I needed to post this picture.


  1. You don't really need a reason to post pictures of her as they are welcome just the same!

    Same goes for Diane Lane. ; )

  2. A man after my own heart! I did a Diane Lane-a-thon in January to mark the lady's birthday: might have to do the same again next year. And I definitely need to revisit Ms Cotillard's filmography: I remember 'Love Me if You Dare' having some great moments, and her turn in 'A Very Long Engagement' was excellent. Her performance in 'La Vie en Rose' was a tour de force in a fairly overblown film.

    Yes, I think a Marion-a-thon might not be too far off ...

  3. I can't believe she's 34. She definitely moisturises.

  4. Yeah, I checked out your Diane Lane-a-thon. It was excellent! Always nice to see an appreciation of her work!
