Monday, February 22, 2010

Not a Malpaso production

The Empire Jameson Awards ‘Done in 60 Seconds’ shortlist is now up on Empire magazine’s website and open to public voting. The remit for the competition was to remake a famous movie in a minute.

This is where I’d normally give a shout to all no-budget independent filmmakers everywhere and big up the imagination, wit and entertainment value demonstrated by the 20 films on the shortlist.

However, the one that I starred in wasn’t shortlisted. Whether that has anything to do with my thespian skills (or lack of) is something I’ll leave to the public to decide. Because, ladies and gentleman, you can view it here: ‘Unforgiven – The Remake’.

I should mention that, not having made the Empire shortlist (sour grapes aside, the shortlisted films are bloody awesome and we’ll have to pull off something very special to be in with a chance next year!), we decided to take our 60 second opus, throw all the deleted scenes back in and give the world the full six-minute Director’s Cut.

‘Unforgiven – The Remake’ was written by yours truly, co-directed by me and Tony Passarelli and stars Adam Poole as William Munny, Tony as the Schofield Kid, me as Little Bill and Lee van Hallam as English Bob. (Look out for a fragmented and borderline surreal “nobody killed Ned” scene which accounts for the fact that we shot this masterwork at the eleventh hour and couldn’t find anybody to play the Ned Logan role.) It was shot on location in Nottingham (ie. my house, Tony’s house, Wollaton Park, Aidy’s The Barber’s at Ruddington, and a field in Calverton. We just about froze our extremities off in that field).

Enjoy it, then head over to the Empire website, check out the entrants who did make the shortlist and vote for your favourite.

UPDATE: For some reason, the video only posts to Blogger in a panned-and-scanned style format, cutting off about a quarter of the picture to the right. Go here to see it, in glorious widescreen, on YouTube.

UPDATE II: here’s the 60 second version (or go here for YouTube if your browser truncates the video like what mine does). Which one do you think works best?


  1. LOL! Nice! Is the 60-second version on Youtube as well?

  2. PS. I can see the widescreen version on my browser for some reason.

  3. The 60 second cut can be seen on Tony's MySpace page:

  4. That was aces.

    Now that Hackman's retired you ought to start taking his roles.

    I can see you as Popeye Doyle

  5. "Still pickin' your feet in Poughkeepsie?"

  6. Not to mix metaphors, Neil, but you made my day with this.

  7. I think I like the 5+ minute version better, but I prefer the ending of the 60-second version. I like how it just ends right after you get shot. Good stuff! What did you use to edit it?

  8. Yeah, the ending of the 60 second cut is a lot punchier. I had the freakin' bruises for a week after I took that fall!

    Editing was on Pinnacle Studio 14.
