Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Steve McQueen blog-a-thon at The Cooler next month

Jason Bellamy at The Cooler is hosting a Steve McQueen blog-a-thon between 24-27 March.

McQueen is one of the genuine icons of American cinema, his minimalist acting style comparable to Clint Eastwood’s. McQueen’s characters probably emerge with a little more careworn humanity than Eastwood’s, though.

I’ve not decided which of McQueen’s films I’ll be looking at yet (I’ve already explored his two-film relationship with Sam Peckinpah in last year’s Peckinpah tribute), but there’s enough stone-cold classics on his CV to go at.

Head over to Jason’s blog if you want to sign up for the blog-a-thon; you’ll be in good company.

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