Monday, March 15, 2010

Top five John Carpenter movies

Over at The Death Rattle, me and Aaron are counting down our top five John Carpenter movies this week.

The inaugural countdown was last week where he and Carl from I Like Horror Movies enumerated their top five most overrated horror movies. The countdown begins with number five on Monday and continues throughout the week, culminating in the number one slot on Friday.

Aaron’s devised a great format. It’d make for a great read if it was just Aaron listing his top fives each week, but contrasting them with the opinions/perceptions of a guest blogger makes things much more interesting.

Head over to Aaron’s site to check it out, and feel free to email him if you’d like to participate.


  1. Man I really struggled with that number five spot! I don't want to say which other movie I was torn between since I don't want to give away anything else in the top five via process of elimination, but it was hard to pick one. Thanks for taking part in this, Neil. Looking forward to the other lists when you get around to them. I think me and Matt Suzaka from Chuck Norris Ate My Baby are doing a list next week, but after that I don't have anything lined up!

  2. Ive been enjoying your top five lists Aaron, and I like the fact that you do it in conjunction with other bloggers, Im looking forward to doing a top five thing with you soon! We gotta think of something!

  3. FC, I already have a ton of different categories picked out that I want to do, so whenever you wanna do one just e-mail me and I'll shoot the list your way. After that you can feel free to pick whichever one you wanna do and we can go from there! Thanks!

  4. I'll probably do horror-comedies next, Aaron. I'll put something together later on this week and shoot it over to you.
