Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Now is the winter of our discontent ...

With Summer of Satan unequivocally in the lead in the poll for next year's big retrospective, and two particularly contentious titles standing out as favourite choices for the third anniversary double bill this weekend, I got to thinking about (a) doing a "winter of something" mini-fest during the last month and a half of 2o1o and (b) following up last night's review of 'Black Mama, White Mama' with a few more exploitation titles.

So welcome to the Winter of Discontent. Six weeks of anything any everything that's exploitative, controversial, provocative, decadent, dark and nasty. We'll be cruising through the cinematic equivalent of the Reperbahn, dropping the window and propositioning the kind of movies your mother warned you about.

We've got an is-it-art-or-is-it-porn classic, one of the nastiest of the video nasties, Christina Lindberg with an eyepatch and whatever else that's shocking or seedy that I can dig out of the collection or track down on the net. The whole nefarious show kicks off tomorrow with an incredibly hard to find giallo; we'll be toasting Edwige Fenech and Anita Strindberg and ordering in J&B by the crate.


  1. Nice. Looking forward to whatever films you review, man. I think I've already reached the pinnacle of nastiness for my blog with my review of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, but I'm still searching for something worse before the end of the month!

  2. Awesome. Looking forward to it. May even have to rewatch THRILLER before I read your review of it as I don't seem to remember much about it other than it was appropriately exploitive :)

  3. I liked THRILLER a lot more on the second viewing. Also looking forward to that review.

  4. THRILLER can definetly be considered porn, I mean, its got a story, but its got straight out porn spliced right into the movie! Depends on the cut you watch i guess, but the one I watched had porn in it. I couldnt believe it, I mean, its your regular revenge movie, but suddenly boom! Porn right in your face.

    Hey Neil, how do I contact ya?

  5. Aaron - good look in trying to find something as envelope-pushing as 'Slaughtered Vomit Dolls'; just read your review and all I can say is that if I ever did watch it, I'd have to do so over maybe a two or three evenings. Sample it in small chunks. If that's not a totally inappropriate turn of phrase ...

    Troy - 'Thriller' review planned for Sunday. "Appropriately exploitative" is a good description. So is "felt like taking a shower afterwards".

    Francisco - yup, the cut that's in my collection (which I had to order on import) has the hardcore in it. Makes an already challenging film an even more difficult watch. By the way, you can email me at slainte@inbox.com

    Thanks for commenting, guys.

  6. Oh man good to know Santa came early this year.

    And he brought us nudity and violence!

  7. He's a bad mo'fo' is St Nicholas. He knows who's been naughty and who's been nice - and it's us naughty kids who are getting the cool shit!
