Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Emily Blunt

Didn’t I do this last year?

Who cares if I did – Emily Blunt is one of Britain’s most talented actresses (Anthony Hopkins ranked her alongside Jodie Foster in a recent Empire interview). It’s her 28th birthday today and a large glass of chenin blanc is being raised here at chez Agitation.


  1. Mmmmmmmmm Emily!..she is one of my foremost favorite actresses in the world today. Easy on the eye and talented to boot.
    Am waiting for her latest film The Adjustment Bureau to be released. Two more weeks and I'll have a big drool!

  2. There are posters for 'The Adjustment Bureau' all over my home town, all featuring the delectable Ms Blunt in a clinging red dress.

    Oh and some dude called Matt Something-or-Other, too.
