Saturday, May 21, 2011

Buddy, can you spare an extended line of credit?

A difference of opinion took place between myself and my internet service provider earlier today.

It went like this:

THEM: You owe us two months.

ME: I don't have any money right now. I'll get paid again on Wednesday.

THEM: You'll have to make a grace payment at the very least today, otherwise your account will be frozen and services suspended.

ME: I don't have any money right now. I'll get paid again on Wednesday.

THEM: We have frozen your account and services are suspended.

ME: You big meanies.

(Okay, it was more like "well to hell with you then, knobhead".)

In short, I'm posting this over at my mate Viv's and I'll be offlined till mid-next week. Feel free to write your own Giallo Sunday review: 'Seven Blood-Red Bludgeonings to the Head of a Telecommunications Operative'.

See you next Wednesday!


  1. I'd pay good money to see that one.

  2. Just conjuring up that title was cathartic. I think this could develop into something: fantasy giallo league. Wreak vengeance on the people who've pissed you off by casting them loose in a fictive cinematic space where black-gloved killers and slugs of J&B are the order of the day.

    My immediate entries: 'Seven Politicians for the Hatchet', 'A Redundancy Letter for Each Team Leader's Corpse' and 'Murder to the Tune of Seven Lady Gaga Singles'. The fatality, in the latter case, being due to listening to them.
