Saturday, August 06, 2011

Melissa George

Many happy returns to Melissa George - arguably the best horror heroine in contemporary cinema - who is 35 today.


  1. 35!!!!!!! My god how the years have slipped away. I remember watching her in the awful Aussie teen soap Home And Away years ago.
    Total crap but the girls were such babes it could still be enjoyed with no volume!

  2. And thankfully she's matured into a much better actress than the banalities of soap opera ever gave her the chance to be.

    What I like about Melissa George is that she gives dependable, unshowy performances and is often a lot better than the material she's in (mentioning no names, 'Turistas').

  3. Love her work. She is awesome and in many respects, underrated. Probably because she does so much genre work. Same goes for Radha Mitchell.

  4. Love Melissa George. She was great in The Killing Gene (AKA: WAZ), Triangle and stood out on the 1st season of In Treatment.
