Monday, September 05, 2011

Herr Herzog and Ms McGowan

Joint birthday greetings to Werner Herzog …

… for whom the words “maverick” and “genius” might well have been invented;

and to Rose McGowan …

… for whom the phrase “enough to make a priest kick a hole in a stained glass window” almost certainly was invented.


  1. Rose McGown mmmm.....maybe it's more 'agitation of the loins' than 'mind'???!!!!!

  2. Maybe I should start that as a separate blog. Wall to wall cheesecake shots and none of those distracting 1,000 word articles. (It'd probably get a bigger readership than The Agitation of the Mind!)

  3. Yes...getting readership is a real problem isn't it? Can be dis-heartening to spend an hour so writing a post which receives no readers or comments.
