Monday, April 30, 2012

1000th post: 40 for 40

Today marks my 1000th post on The Agitation of the Mind, as well as my 40th birthday. The gimmick was too good to pass up: I took 40 DVDs, all staples of the collection, and took a screengrab at the fortieth minute. (If you’re wondering why John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’, one of my absolute favourite films of all time, isn’t represented, it’s because there’s a fade to black at exactly forty minutes.)


  1. Congratulations dude, happy birthday!

  2. Awesome post and of course happy birthday! It was fun going through all the shots and trying to guess what movie it was from before seeing. I did pretty good myself

  3. Happy Birthday, Neil. Much Love and glasses raised to you.

  4. Happy Birthday Neil.

    Great idea for the milestone post, how are you feeling, reaching your 40th? I reached it myself recently, have to say I don't feel any different!
