Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The horror, the (Italian) horror ...

The 3rd Annual Italian Horror Blog-a-thon kicks off over at Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies tomorrow, and runs till All Hallow's Eve.

I've made it a point of contributing in previous years - a few gialli in 2009, and a piece on Fulci's 'The Beyond' last year - and I'm definitely not missing out on the mayhem this time round. I've got something sick and fucked up planned for the first day of the blog-a-thon. 

Tune in to The Agitation of the Mind tomorrow (perhaps best if you don't plan on eating afterwards), and check out Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies over the next week - there'll be plenty of dark delights from other quarters.


  1. Oooh, I bet I can guess what you're doing. Can't wait. Thanks for pimpin' this, Neil. Be back tomorrow!

  2. No probs, Kevin. Review online. Looking forward to seeing who else contributes.
