Tuesday, November 13, 2012


On 13th November 2007, I posted my first article on The Agitation of the Mind. I acknowledged Werner Herzog as one of my favourite filmmakers and ’fessed up that I’d stolen the name of the blog from him. There followed, through the remainder of that month, a short Herzog season.

Five years and approximately 1,100 posts later, we’re firmly entrenched in this year’s Winter of Discontent and trawling through all things sick and twisted. I guess it’s like they say: it ain’t what you do, it’s what it does to you.

Anyway, to celebrate Agitation’s fifth anniversary, I’m rehashing a little gimmick I used back in April on the occasion of my fortieth birthday when I selected forty DVDs from the collection and took a screengrab at the fortieth minute. Here, I’ve hit pause and taken the screengrab at thirteen minutes and eleven seconds; and just to make it even more gimmicky, there are twenty four films: thirteen I’ve already reviewed on these pages, and eleven I haven’t … yet.

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