Monday, September 30, 2013

Italian horror blogathon

There are some dates on the film blogger’s calendar that are basically unmissable. The Italian horror blogathon at Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies is just such an occasion. From 24 – 31 October, the blogosphere will be alive with the sound of screaming. And yours truly will be in on the act.

And on the subject of all things dark and nasty, the fourth annual 13 For Halloween season will be kicking off tomorrow right here on The Agitation of the Mind. Everyone’s welcome. Bring your own pumpkins.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Neil! I always look forward to your contributions, and I am forever grateful for your continual promotion of the blogathon.

  2. You're welcome, Kevin. I've had a blast with your blogathon every year. Looking forward to contributing again this time round. Now, what piece of stylishly violent exploitation shall I pick ... ?

  3. I'm having that dilemma this year. If you haven't sampled some Soavi, I highly suggest his stuff. They're all great looking, interesting horror flicks (some, like The Sect and The Church are the epitome of Italian horror with their amazing visuals but daft narratives), but my ranking of his films would look like this:

    1. Deliria
    2. The Church
    3. Cemetery Man
    4. The Sect

  4. Now there's an idea. I think I wrote about 'The Church' a couple of years ago, but I haven't covered any of the others.

    Watch this space ...
