Monday, December 02, 2013

Now is the winter of where's-the-content

Real life has a habit of getting in the way at chez Agitation. I've been kept busy with book reviews for Nottingham's inimitable culture magazine LeftLion, a couple of articles for their website, and finalizing my entry for the Cinnamon Press debut poetry collection competition.

Oh, and I might have gone down the pub as well.

But fear not, the Winter of Discontent hasn't been forgotten. I have some unpleasant fare lined up for December. So if you're sick of Christmas songs, sparkly lights, puke-making festive adverts and people dressed in reindeer onesies, stay tuned. The diametric opposite of festive will be sliming its foetid way across these pages.

In the meantime, and in the usual Agitation fashion of posting cheesecake shots when actual content is lacking, it's Lucy Liu's 45th birthday and I can't think of many actresses who manage to combine such elegance and beauty and still vibe don't-spill-my-pint so devastatingly. 


  1. That is the most bad ass post title I've seen in a while. Love it!
