Sunday, February 09, 2014

Agitation elsewhere

Small confession, folks. I’ve been playing away from home.

Now, before anyone calls Mrs F and gets me in world of trouble, let me clarify that statement. The very amenable team at Moviepilot invited me to share some of my work over on their site. So the review of Brit-drama ‘Made in Dagenham’ that I had primed for Agitation found itself a different home.

Depending on how much content I produce in the coming months, I might alternate between posting things on Moviepilot and Agitation. What I don’t want to do, however, is starve Agitation for content.

The ‘Made in Dagenham’ review is just a click away; meanwhile, keep checking back to this site. We’re going down to the bayou with Tommy Lee Jones in a couple of days to determine whether ‘In the Electric Mist’ gives the work of James Lee Burke a better showing than ‘Heaven’s Prisoners’.

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