Sunday, June 08, 2014

X marks the blog

I’ve been cheating on this blog again, running around with poetry behind its back. I’ve recently completed, in a spate of productivity – 20 poems in one calendar week – a sequence of exploring the traditions and clichés of the private eye genre. Ideal length for a pamphlet. Just need a publisher for it.

Last night, I was at the launch of Butcher’s Dog magazine in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. An atmospheric city (even though it rained virtually all day), and some lovely people at the event. Now back in Nottingham and mulling over the total lack of content on Agitation for the past week.

Well, that’s about to change. I saw ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ recently and enjoyed the hell it a lot, so I figured why not spend June revisiting the entire X-Men/Wolverine franchise? I will probably regret this decision somewhere around ‘The Last Stand’, and for at least one film after that, but what the hell?

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