Monday, October 01, 2018

Ladies and gentlemen, a big scary pumpkin …

Greetings, freaks and freakettes, Big Scary Pumpkin here, taking over editing duties from that Fulwood fellow for the duration of October. Be prepared! This blog is about become bloody, boisterous and Beelzebubian. We’ll be counting down to All Hallow’s Eve with 13 films guaranteed to send shivers down your spine. Whether that’s for a good or a bad reason is for me to know and you lot to find out.

The boy Fulwood’s been confined to a dank cellar with an internet connection and a stack of DVDs and he can’t come out until he’s given me 13 cutting and controversial pieces of film criticism to edit, paste some screengrabs onto and post up on The Agitation of the Pumpkin.

He’s already made a start. Here’s some of the dark delights you can look forward to:

Tune in tomorrow for the first of the 13. Bring pizza and beer. I like beer. I like a lot of beer.

Was that too soon?

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