Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Women in horror: the best of the bloggers

Brittney-Jade Colangelo has declared February “Women in Horror Month” at her intelligent, witty and highly readable blog Day of the Woman. If Brittney-Jade isn’t on your sidebar already, rectify that oversight now.

In honour of her blog-a-thon and in celebration of the all the accomplished female horror bloggers out there, The Agitation of the Mind would like to take this opportunity to give a big round of applause to half a dozen of his favourite femmes fatale of the blogosphere.

In alphabetical order by blog name (to avoid accusations of favouritism):


Your hostess with the mostess: Kimberly Lindbergs. Not a 24/7 horror blogger, but her love of all things 70s has taken her from obscure gems to a heartfelt appreciation of Ingrid Pitt. Kimberly is one of the most elegant and well-respected bloggers out there.

Your hostess with the mostess: the aforementioned Brittney-Jade. The 2009 Ms Horror Blogosphere Winner, absurdly accomplished for such a young writer and – if such a thing is possible – an even more facetiously vehement hater of all things ‘Twilight’ related than myself.

Final Girl

Your hostess with the mostess: Stacie Ponder. Blogger, broadcaster, artist, director and all-round renaissance woman, there’s a reason why Stacie has 813 followers and is on first-name terms with Lena freakin’ Headey. Final Girl isn’t just a blog; it’s a way of life!

Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire

Your hostess with the mostess: Tenebrous Kate. How can a blog with this title not be cool? Answer: it can’t. Kate’s banner promises the “lurid, weird, fantastique”. Her blog delivers.

Scare Sarah

Your hostess with the mostess: Sarah. Packing maximum insight and dry humour into succinct reviews, Scare Sarah is a Lammy-nominated site and its author a proud member of both the Horror Blogger Alliance and the Brighton Bloggers.

Totally Jinxed

Your hostess with the mostess: Jinx. Three great things have come out of Newcastle: Newcastle Brown Ale (a.k.a. Newkie Brahn), Jimmy Nail (Oz in ‘Auf Wiedersehen, Pet’) and Jinx, one of the sassiest no-bullshit bloggers (of either sex) you’re ever likely to encounter. Her profile reads “flame haired tattooed love goddess”. What’s not to like?

Ladies, you rock. I salute you.


  1. Not one name on this list that doesn't inspire bloody tears of awesome.

  2. Yup. And I'd sell my soul for their kind of readership!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, Neil! They're much appreciated. I had no idea it was "Women in Horror Month" until this week. Maybe they should have claimed another month since they're competing with Black History Month? I am honored to be mentioned though. Power to the horror sisterhood!
