... I've been a bit tied up lately.
There's been plenty going on with the Alan Sillitoe Memorial Fund. The open poetry competition closed last month, with 486 poems entered by 185 poets, netting over £850 for the fund. We're hosting a prize-giving event at the Nottingham Contemporary on 2 March, featuring live music from local roots band Blue Yonder. A literary lunch with Nottingham's premier crime writer John Harvey is taking place on 21 April, and there are a whole slew of other events in the pipeline for 2012. Please visit our website for full information.
Also, work on a major project - which is pushing towards the three-quarters completed mark - has kept me busy as hell for the last few weeks. I've watched very few films recently and my reading has bottomed out appallingly. Of those few films I have watched, I've not really felt motivated to write about most of them; and the one exception - 'A Single Man' - deserves a lot more time and attention than I'm able to give it right now.
So please bear with me for a while. Content might tend to the pictorial for much of this month, but I will return, by March, with the opening salvoes in the Bond-a-thon.
Oh - and a directive from the Shameless Self-Publicity Committee orders me to share this with you - by the way, my short story 'The Call of Chavthulu' has been accepted for the next issue of Dark Horizons, which I'm absurdly excited about.
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