Category: Eurovisions (Norway) / In category: 8 of 10 / Overall: 81 of 100
One day, someone will make the definitive Norwegian Resistance movie. A movie that celebrates the heroism of the underground fighters and is honest about the hardships they endured. A movie that is brave enough to tackle the moral complexities and grey areas of the subject and doesn’t just simply paint the German characters as a batch of straight-out-of-central-casting rent-a-Hun type.
In the meantime, though, there’s ‘Dead Snow’.
Which is about Nazi zombies. In Norway.
‘Dead Snow’ is easily the best Nazi zombie movie I’ve seen. That in itself isn’t saying much. Although it’s entertaining, properly gory, often darkly funny and all done in the worst possible taste (the shithouse sex scene with the finger-sucking: eeeeeeeewww), it’s hard to escape the feeling that you’ve seen it all before.
Let’s take a whistlestop tour through the delights of ‘Dead Snow’ with parenthetical observations where similar tropes have previously been employed: a group of students (pick your favourite 80s stalk ‘n’ slash franchise) repair to a remote cabin in the wilds (let’s just go with ‘Cabin Fever’ and leave it at that, the article will get too long otherwise) for the purposes of drinking, shagging (pick your favourite 80s stalk ‘n’ slash franchise) and extreme sports (‘High Lane’). During the first evening there, a vaguely creepy old guy turns up and tells them of the horror that happened there many years ago (‘The Fog’).
The students discover some hidden treasure which is connected with the macabre events (‘The Fog’) and decide to divvy it up. Bad decision. In short order, several of their number are decimated by zombies (anything with ‘Dead’ in the title) while the others try to barricade the cabin against the flesh-eating hordes (‘Night of the Living Dead’) who turn out to be an undead Nazi platoon (‘Zombie Lake’, ‘Shock Waves’). When an attempt to fight them off goes tits up and the survivors almost immolate themselves in an accidental fire (‘Night of the Living Dead’), they decide to make a run for it.
‘Dead Snow’ doesn’t have a single original idea. And while this is forgivable in many films – particularly trashily entertaining horrors – much of the fun in recycling tropes and trading in clichés and stereotypes comes from how imaginatively filmmakers can subvert or satirize them. The only subversiveness going on in ‘Dead Snow’ is that – for a Norwegian film – it happily lets loose the Nazi horror on the fjords all over again and cheerfully watches its hapless protagonists get killed off by them.
The biggest disappointment, though, not just with ‘Dead Snow’ but with the small handful of other Nazi zombie titles I’ve seen, is that it takes an awesome concept – Nazi zombies!! fuckin’ zombies who are Nazis!!! – and does absolutely nothing with it. At the end of the day, it’s just the same zombie movie you’ve seen before, whether it was made it Pittsburgh or London, except the zombies are wearing uniforms. Maybe one day someone will make the definitive Nazi zombie movie, where the threat becomes so widespread that a band of desperate citizens form an underground resistance movement …
Between "Rent a Hun" and the irony of the outnumbered Norwegian Resistance pictures, I really need to learn to just stop drinking things while reading Agitation Of The Mind.
I was disappointed by this to. To me the biggest problem was it never set on a tone, it wasn't funny and crazy enough to be a Peter Jackson/Sam Raimi style film, and wasn't grim enough to actually be scary.
Thanks to the few beers I consumed during the runtime I even started nodding off during the end.
When you're struggling to stay awake during an orgy of nazi zombie violence it's just a bad sign.
Nice! I haven't seen DEAD SNOW, but it's cool to read your take on it as opposed to a horror blogger's. I never bothered to watch this because it got shit on a lot when it first came out. There were a few people here and there who praised it, but I listened to the majority. It's gotten to the point now where I have a pretty vivid picture in my head of what the movie will be like. And apparently taking the idea of Nazi zombies and fucking it up seems to be the trend, because I have not seen a single NEW-ish Nazi zombie movie that I like. I can imagine film-makers being attracted to the absurd idea of Nazi zombies and trying to build a movie around it, but not really knowing how or what to do with the concept, ultimately.
What did you think of SHOCK WAVES?
Bryce - agreed; 'Dead Snow' falls between two stools. The director definitely failed in not making his mind up what he was making. Which is a damn shame, because 'Dead Snow' has some great moments. The attack on the old man while he's camping in the wilds, his tent a tiny cone of light against the massive wintry background, is brilliantly done. But that's all those kind of moments are - just moments. The movie never adds up to the sum of its part.
Aaron - spot on: the whole Nazi angle was just a concept; nothing was done with it. My wife commented after we finished watching 'Dead Snow', "They could have done so much more with that."
Re: 'Shock Waves', it's been ages since I've seen it, but at least Ken Wiederhorn did something with the idea, having the zombies bred to survive under water so they can crew u-boats without having to surface. I remember it being a bit ramshackle effects wise, but moving along at a good pace and featuring some effective underwater sequences.
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